Saturday, 23 April 2011

Eden's Room

Every room in our house needs decorating, but we have an 'order' in which we need to do things - the installations of double glazing and central heating dictate the order to an extent. However, Eden's room is already double glazed, and the wall that will have the radiator on is easily accessible, so we have decided that her room is a good place to start with the decorating. The previous occupiers had decorated the entire room blue, including the window sill and skirting boards. So during the week we did a quick undercoat of white to tone-down the blue before painting over it.

In our old house, Eden's nursery was my favourite room because the colours in it were so vibrant and happy. So we decided to paint her new room the same colours too. We started painting yesterday, with a coat of yellow on the window wall. Today we finished, with 2 orange side walls and a deep red on the wall adjacent to the door. The colours are all bold. It may not be to everybody's taste, but it's Eden's room - and the bright, happy colours reflect her fun personality.

So with the walls finished we now need to think about putting the carpet in. We took a visit to a local carpet store this morning, had a good chat with staff there and should hopefully have a carpet in by this time next week.

I'll post a 'finished' photo up next week, but in the meantime, here's some photos of Eden's nursery in our old house, the colours of which we've tried to recreate.

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