Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Mamatography: Week 3

16th-22nd January Bit of an out-of-routine week this week as we had decorators in painting our ceilings, so we spent quite a lot of time out of the house to keep out of their way. 

16/1 A visit to the local children's centre sensory room. Eden loves it here & it's so peaceful

Pretty lights and lots to explore in the sensory room!

17/1 My 33 week bump!

18/1 Giant paper and pens providing some entertainment as most of the toys have been packed away while the decorators are in 

Loving the big paper and concentrating hard!
19/1 A full day out of the house, and a special treat of a hot chocolate!

20/1 A wet and rainy day, so we spent much of the day reading lots of books

21/1 A trip to the museum

22/1 Hunting for 'treasure' (pennies strategically placed) in the garden

Finding treasure!
Mamatography is hosted by Diary of a First Child. Check out other contributions this week here


Luschka said...

I LOVE your week's photos! Where is your sensory room? We used to go to the one in Battersea Park, but that's a bit far away now! Loved it though. And your treasure hunt is a simply perfect idea! Ameli is sooo fond of money as is. I think that's a brilliant idea we'll have to copy before long!

Ponderings from the Kitchen said...

Thanks Luschka, I'm really enjoying taking part in the Mamatography challenge! The sensory room is handily located at the top of our road, a 2 minute walk away, at our local Sure Start centre. The room is available for booking so we always have it to ourselves. It's a fab way to chill out (for Mummy and toddler!)

Megan said...

I enjoyed looking at all your photos. The hot chocolate is great!

Kat said...

Awww she is so the hot chocolate pic! Thanks for sharing!