Saturday, 9 November 2013

Cabbages, worms and pumpkin beer

We nipped down the allotment this morning to pick some veg for the week. First time this year that it's felt bitingly cold outside, just as well we'd wrapped up warm although I need to find our gloves! 

The row of cabbages look brilliant, we've taken the netting off now. We picked the biggest one to eat this week. I also picked some kale. 
Luke dug up some more potatoes - some of our main crop potatoes are satisfying big. 

Eden found two worms - her latest outdoor fascination - love it!
Asher toddled around, saying hello to the next-door plot's chickens 
I harvested the sweetcorn, despite them not looking ready but I didn't think they'd ripen anymore now - disappointingly none were good enough to eat, we'll try again next year. The growing season this year was very slow to get started, at one point in the spring it was said the UK was a month behind what was normal, due to the prolonged cold and rain we had then. I think this is perhaps why our sweetcorn didn't do well, and also our winter squash and tomatoes. 

This year Luke's started some home-brewing. We have potato wine fermenting, sloe gin, and the first batch of pumpkin beer (there will be more considering we have so much pumpkin!) The pumpkin beer has been bubbling away rather ferociously in our dining room for the last 10 days, and is now ready to transfer into bottles for the secondary fermentation to begin. We took the lid off just now and it smells amazing! Just as you'd expect - a strong pumpkin smell, along with a strong beer smell. We'll leave it another 10 days now and then we can try it! Can't wait! Here's a pic I took of it just now:

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