Tuesday 1 January 2013

Project 365 'Downton' (1/365)

Today is the start of a new blog project for me, Project 365: A year in pictures. Last year I saw that lots of other bloggers were participating in documenting each day with a photo, Project 366. I love taking pictures so this should be easy for me, in theory. I'm looking forward to having a photo record of our year and seeing how much the kids grow and change.

So here is today's, taken from my new incredibly comfy, total impulse buy in the January sales, nursing (rocking) chair. The last few nights Luke and I have jumped on the Downton fan Bandwagon (better late than never). We've loved it so much we finished series one this evening. Now to find someone who has series two we can borrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm searching for other 365er's to follow and encourage along the way. I'd love to have you stop by and check on my progress at http://mattucker365.blogspot.com I'll check in on you tomorrow :)